The goal of the general dentistry program is to educate students to provide high–quality dental care that is preventive in purpose, comprehensive in scope, based on sound biological principles and focused on service.

Admission Requirements

  • Proficiency in verbal and written English is required
  • Dental Admission Test completed within 3 years of matriculation into the DDS program
  • A minimum of 50 hours of dental practice observation/shadowing
  • Three recommendations are required: employer or dental professional, pre-professional committee, or science professor uploaded with AADSAS application. A spiritual recommendation form must be submitted along with the LLUSD supplemental application.
  • A formal interview (by invitation only)


A complete academic year of coursework is required in all subjects except Biochemistry.

  • General Biology with lab
  • General Chemistry with lab
  • Organic Chemistry with lab
  • Biochemistry–One semester or two quarters required (a full year recommended) Lab courses do not meet this requirement.
  • General Physics with lab
  • English Composition (Requirement met automatically with Bachelor's degree} 

Pre–requisites must be taken in the U.S or Canada.
All science pre-requisites must be taken in person. 
Science coursework completed at a four year school is preferred.
AP science prerequisite courses are not accepted.
A minimum of 96 semester or 144 quarter units are required from an accredited school.
A grade of “C” or higher is required to meet LLUSD requirements.
Science sequences must be completed within five (5) years of admission.
A science GPA of 3.3 or higher is recommended.
DAT scores of 20 or higher are recommended.
A Baccalaureate degree is preferred.

Recommended Courses

Recommended Science Courses Other Recommended Courses
(Listed in order of Priority)  
Histology  Small Business Management
Human Gross Anatomy Human Resource Management
Systems Physiology Ceramics
Microbiology Business & the Law
Cellular & Molecular Biology Accounting
Immunology Human Development
Neuroscience Marketing
Genetics Sculpture
Biochemistry II or III Interpersonal Communication

Transfer Agreements

These DDS transfer agreements are from the most frequently attended colleges and universities by our applicants. It is NOT a complete list of higher educational institutions from which we accept credits. We only accept credits from regionally accredited schools. If your previous school is not listed you may contact us directly

Application Timeline

Target Date Tasks
Spring Contact teachers/advisors, religious leaders, professionals and/or employers to obtain commitments for writing recommendation letters (a minimum of three recommendations or one committee letter).  Complete personal statement.  Complete Shadowing hours (50 hrs. required, 100 hrs. recommended).
June (First Week) Submit AADSAS application at with official transcripts.  It is a major advantage to apply as early as possible.
Summer Prepare for DAT (8-10 hrs., 6 days/week x 8 weeks)
Mid July Receive LLUSD supplemental application invitation by email 6-8 weeks after AADSAS application has been submitted.
July - February Return supplemental application to LLUSD within 30 days of invitation.
July - April Followup:  Check AADSAS & LLU web portals to ensure your application is complete.  If there are discrepancies call the Office of Admissions 909-558-4621.
August - October Take the DAT - Preference is given to applicants who take the DAT by end of summer.
December - March Acceptance letters mailed and emailed to applicants, all other decisions are emailed only.














Dental Admissions Test

All applicants must take the Dental Admission Test (DAT).
Preference is given to applicants who complete the test by October.
For DAT information contact the ADA at 312–440–2689 or

DAT Preparation Resources (Listed in order of Priority)

DAT Bootcamp:
DAT Destroyer:
Chad's Videos:
Crack the DAT:
DAT Achiever:

How to Apply

Submit application to the American Association of Dental Schools Application Service (AADSAS) between June 1 and November 1.  For application, apply online at

We strongly recommend that you apply within the first two months.  After your AADSAS application is received by LLUSD, a supplemental application invitation will be emailed to you.  This can take from 4-6 weeks after the AADSAS application has been submitted.

Based on the review of a completed supplemental application, DAT scores, transcripts, and recommendations, you may be invited to LLUSD for a personal interview.


Q: What is the minimum GPA that you require?
A: The minimum GPA is 2.7. To be a competitive applicant, a 3.5 or higher is recommended.

Q: What DAT scores are competitive?
A: To be competitive, scores of 20 or above in all areas are advised.

Q: If I have a sealed transcript will that be considered official?
A:  No. To be considered official, transcripts must be mailed directly from your institution to LLUSD.

Q: Do you accept Canadian DAT scores. 
A: Yes.

Q: Do you recommend dental assisting experience prior to submitting an application?
A: Yes.

Estimated Student Expenses

Estimated Student Expenses. Registration for the DDS program is once per year. Tuition and fees are required to be paid at the time of registration. Students who are covering expenses through private funding may receive a payment plan. Contact the director for student services of the School, 909-558-4790.

Financial Aid

A financial aid advisor and financial aid programs are available. Please contact 909–558–4509 or email Website information can be located at

Commitment Services Scholarships

Loan Repayment Programs

International Students

Students applying for, or holding F–1 U.S. Student Visas are required by U.S. immigration regulation to secure sufficient funds for their first year’s tuition and fees and provide documentary evidence of sufficient funds for their second year.

To satisfy this immigration requirement, LLUSD requires non–U.S. citizens and non–U.S. permanent residents to pay the first year’s tuition and fees before registration for the first term. Contact University International Student Affairs: 909-558-4955.

Forms and Additional Information

Disclaimer: The School reserves the right to modify or change admission standards or requirements at any time without prior notice and effective immediately. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and does not create any agreement or understanding or establish any rights or responsibilities whatsoever between LLU School of Dentistry and any student or prospective student.