LLU Dentistry | Volume 33 Number 1 Winter-Spring 2024
Special 70th Anniversary Article
3 | Dedication to Dr. Melvin Lund
4 | Introduction
6 | Reducing Pain and Anxiety
9 | What is Dental Caries?
10 | Restoring Teeth - Innovative Methods & Materials
12 | Replacing Missing Teeth - Dental Implants
14 | Periodontics - The Loma Linda Group
15 | Orthodontics - Innovative Use of Computer Tomography
16 | Biocentric Cements - A Major Endodontic Innovation
17 | Advances in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
17 | The Role of Pediatric Dentistry in Orofacial Clefts
18 | Progress in LLUSD Dental Research
20 | Conclusion
21 | Participating Authors
21 | Selected References
Articulator Summer/Autumn 2021
5 | Dean's Message
9 | Faculty arrive & advance
10 | Zina Johnston leads Clinic Administration; Shelly Withers chairs Dental Hygiene
11 | Paul Richardson retires
13 | Drs. Li & Zhang retire
14 | Kris Marshall retires
15 | LLUSD Student Research runs the CDA table
18 | LLUSD's 2021 virtual commencement
39 | Faculty awards
45 | NEWS Pickleball Champs
46 | Melvin Lund visits
47 | Tina Saw restores
49 | Sara Chang ninja
51 | Monty Suprono fights the virus
52 | Chi Viet awarded & serves
53 | Elisabetta Cotti resigns
54 | Classic Chevy bridges
55 | COVID-19 stimulates
56 | Fond Farewells
Articulator Winter/Spring 2021
5 | Dean's Message
8 | Faculty arrive and faculty advance
10 | Mary Hartwell concludes 40 years
11 | LLUSD's 2020 virtual commencement
26 | Student research surmounts the virus
38 | The legacies left by Dr. Donald Peters,
Dr. Doug Roberts, & Dr. Elmer Kelln
Articulator Summer/Autumn 2020
6 | Dean's Message
10 | Curriculum transformation continues
11 | Holli Riter appointed Chief Medical Officer
15 | Patient Layla's "jaw in a day"
17 | Just-in-time Homecoming 2020
26 | From the Class of 1970, a story of service
27 | LLUSD manages a pandemic
33 | Imaging Clinic acquires NewTom VGi EVO
35 | Lane Thomsen honored for CE contributions
Articulator Winter/Spring 2020
6 | Dean's Circle member assemble at ESRI
11 | PNAM celebrates tenth anniversary
15 | From street life to restoration
18 | Applications for 3D printing in dentistry
25 | LLUSD research publications
31 | Riverside's fifth Long Night
35 | Profiling Lee Ingersoll
For a full library of past publications visit TheScholarsRepository@LLU.