Dear SAS customers, 

Sterilization Assurance Services wishes to reintroduce our online platform that will provide customers with immediate access to a variety of services. This is included with your SAS subscription at no additional cost to you. 

With our online platform, customers have immediate access to several items such as:

  1. Account and sterilizer/waterline information
  2. Monthly reports
  3. Individual test results
  4. Order history
  5. Online ordering (in process of creating)

If you would like to create an online account, please call our office (909-558-8176) or send us an email ( with the following information:

  1. Customer number and sterilizer numbers or waterline ID
  2. Name of doctor or contact person for the account
  3. An email address for online access

Contact information can be changed at any time after the profile is created. Please contact our SAS office if you have any questions. 

Sterilization Assurance Services


Customer Portal