Once you have completed all fields, print, sign and fax the form to 909-558-0835. 
To register over the phone call 909-558-4685.

Loma Linda University, School of Dentistry
Continuing Education and Alumni
11245 Anderson Street, Suite 120
Loma Linda, CA 92350
909-558-4685  Fax 909-558-0835  continuinged@llu.edu

City State Zip Code
Phone Fax
License Number DDS AUX
LLU Grad Year

Upcoming Courses (Open to all oral healthcare professionals.)

  09/15/24: Conscious Sedation in the Dental Office   ONSITE  or
$195 DDS
$145 AUX
09/22/24:The Positive Impact of Digital Dentistry on Materials and Restorative Workflow   $195 DDS
$145 AUX
10/27/24: CA Required Programs $195 DDS
$145 AUX
11/17/24: Principles and Innovations in Removable Partial, and Complete Denture Therapy $195 DDS
$145 AUX

Once you have completed all fields, print, sign and fax the form to 909-558-0835 or to register over the phone call 909-558-4685.

A full refund will be issued if a cancelation is received at least 5 working days prior to the course, or funds can be transferred to a future course.

Payment Information (We only accept Visa, MasterCard & Discover.)

Credit Card Expiration
CVV Code Total Amount