The LLU School of Dentistry is pleased to announce the appointment of Montry Suprono, DDS’07, MSD’11, associate professor, to the position of director, Center for Dental Research (CDR), effective February 3, 2019.

Dr. Suprono takes charge of a thriving CDR that Yiming Li, DDS, PhD, MSD, associate dean, Research, has directed and advanced since 2002.
“I’m honored to accept this responsibility, and appreciate the confidence that the School of Dentistry and University have placed in me,” says Dr. Suprono.
Since his graduation from dentistry in 2007, Dr. Suprono has been a member of the LLUSD faculty, initially part time, first as assistant professor with the Department of Restorative Dentistry (2011-2012) and then, following the acquisition in 2011 of his MSD in prosthodontics and a certificate from the LLUSD fellowship Program in Implant Dentistry, to part-time assistant professor, in 2012, with the Advanced Dental Education Program in Prosthodontics. He advanced to full-time status in 2015 with his appointment divided between the Division of General Dentistry, the Center for Dental Research, and Advanced Prosthodontics before being designated associate professor in 2018 for the CDR and Advanced Prosthodontics.
Dr. Suprono has practiced privately since 2007 as a specialist limited to prosthodontics and implant dentistry with four Inland Empire private practices.
Beyond his teaching and research mentoring responsibilities, Dr. Suprono is the author of multiple refereed journal publications, textbook contributions, and abstracts. For clinical research he has been the principal investigator or co-investigator on industrially funded investigations, co-investigator on federally funded investigations, and principal investigator on unfunded research projects.
An active participant in the life of his School, Dr. Suprono sits on several LLU and LLUSD committees. He has delivered numerous continuing education presentations and served on mission trips to Mexico, Honduras, and Jamaica.
Most importantly, Dr. Suprono will marry his fiancéeYunQi “Rose” Lin, DDS, in April.