The student research program at LLUSD encourages active participation in the AADR National Student Research Group (NSRG). The School’s NSRG councilor, Marianne Demirdji (D4), and SRG representative, Trisha Aprecio (D2), participated in the 2016 NSRG breakfast on March 18 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The discussion focused on ways the NSRG can help local school SRGs encourage research activity and strengthen their relationships with national organizations.

A student-run organization, the NSRG exists to foster an investigatory ethos at every dental school that nurtures students interested in dental research. NSRG is composed of a network of self-governing student research group (SRG) chapters at each dental school that is led nationally by officers elected through a majority of votes from all members. Every year the NSRG hosts an NSRG Faculty Advisors’ and SRG Presidents’ Breakfast meeting during the annual meetings of the American Association for Dental Research (AADR).
As councilor of LLUSD’s NSRG group, Ms. Demirdji organized a symposium session, with Mitra Adhami from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, titled, “Preparing for an Academic Life After Training.”
Ms. Demirdji, Trisha Aprecio (D2), and Alexander Zaykov (D1) were included March 17 in the 2016 AADR LLUSD Center for Dental Research Dinner at the Casa Nostra Ristorante hosted by Yiming Li, DDS, PhD, MSD, associate dean for Dental Research.