LLU School of Dentistry was represented at Riverside’s fifth Long Night of Arts & Innovation with a table at which young people were introduced to the marvels of intraoral scanners demonstrated by Pooya Soltanzadeh, DDS, MS’18 (prosthodontics), assistant professor, DGD, and class of 2020 dental student Katherine Koliadko.

To demonstrate the technologies’ capabilities to young attendees, Dr. Soltanzadeh displayed Star Wars characters he had scanned and reproduced with a 3D printer.
The table and support materials were set up and maintained by the LLUSD Office of Marketing team, Krista Weymar, MBA, director; Leigh Ann Evans, web content editor, Sam Sadanala, visual designer, and Doug Hackleman, MA, director of Publications. Marlise Perry, assistant director, Office of Admissions and Recruitment (accompanied by her husband), assisted at the School’s presence speaking with attendees who might show interest in taking dentistry or dental hygiene.

Traffic to the School’s demonstration was augmented by its real estate adjacent to a team from LLU’s biology graduate program that presented an alarming array of snakes, lizards, scorpions, spiders, and tarantulas.
The Long Night of Arts and Innovation plays a role in the development of future artists and scientists by encouraging school children to seek challenging careers in the arts and sciences. Students who attend the Long Night can interact with presenters, ask questions, and be inspired by the real-life stories of local people who have enjoyed great success in the students’ chosen fields of study.
Riverside is home to four colleges and universities and The Long Night of Arts and Innovation is a great way to encourage school children to seek innovative careers in the arts and sciences by connecting them to professors, artists, professionals and performers from these institutions.