Eight members of the LLU School of Dentistry faculty, and an LLUH administrator colleague, provided 10.5 hours of continuing education during the General Conference of SDA sponsored Third Global Conference on Health and Lifestyle hosted by Loma Linda University Health July 9 through 13, 2019, at the LLUH Centennial Complex under the general heading “Your Brain, Your Body.”
Dentists attended from throughout the global village.
Dentists from ten countries—Bangladesh, Botswana, Bulgaria, Congo, Costa Rica, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Hungary, Latvia, Malawi, and the Philippines—attended eight oral healthcare breakout sessions for continuing education credit. These dentists joined about 850 attendees from around the world to the 3rd Global Conference on Health & Lifestyle.
- Geriatrics – Steven Powell, DDS’87, assistant professor, Division of General Dentistry
“Geriatric Challenges, Strategies for late life Transitions, Medical/Minimally Invasive Care of Oral Problems”
- Guidelines for Special Care Dentistry - Wesley Okumura DDS’94, assistant professor, Department of Pediatric Dentistry
“Caring for Special Patients”
- Sedation and General Anesthesia – John Leyman, DDS, associate professor, Dental Anesthesiology
”Dentistry for Special Needs Patients”
- Spiritual Care: A Dental Imperative Doyle Nick, DDS’78, MS’09, associate professor, Division of General Dentistry
“Spiritual Care in Dentistry: A Dentist’s Imperative?”
- Whole Person Care / Understanding our patients – Jana Boyd, PhD, MS, MA, LMFT, Director - Loma Linda University Health Employee & Student Assistance Program
“Understanding the Effects of Early Trauma on Patient Functioning and Implications for Working with Problematic Patients”
- Avoiding Burnout – Natalie Hohensee, DDS’08, assistant professor, Division of General Dentistry, and Anupama Grandhi, DDS, assistant professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
“Taking Care of Yourself professionally, ergonomics, Taking Care of Yourself personally / Living the GOOD Life”
- Modern Dental Imaging - Dwight Rice, DDS’96, professor, Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences
“Modern Dental Imaging: Digital Radiology, 3D Imaging, Soft Tissue Imaging, Responsibility, Liability”
- Technology of today and tomorrow - Brian Goodacre, DDS’13, MSD’17, Division of General Dentistry
“Technology of Today and Tomorrow: Scanning, Milling, and Printing”
The participation by LLUSD faculty in this 3rd Global Conference on Health and Lifestyle was arranged and organized by Doyle Nick, DDS’78, MS’09, Director of International Dental Affairs.