By Douglas Hackleman - April 29, 2020

A motorcade comprised of a wide variety of first responder vehicles drove from the north end of Campus street in a two-mile “U” that concluded at the corner of Anderson and Stewart streets to honor the heroic service that has been provided by LLUH frontline healthcare personnel over the past several weeks in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.

LLU personnel applaude LLUH's frontline healthcare workers from Anderson Street.

The Appreciation Motorcade took place on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, at 6:30 am, to make certain the respect and appreciation for the unusual and sometimes risk requiring efforts of frontline healthcare personnel was not missed. LLUH administrators and staff, with masks and social distancing, lined especially Campus and Anderson streets waving, whistling, and shouting their support as a helicopter circled overhead.


School of Dentistry co-workers prepare to cheer LLUH frontline medical personnel.


Two-wheeled first responders roar by in honor of LLUH frontline healthcare personnel.


The Appreciation Motorcade was slated for repeat at 6:30 pm along the same route.