By Anonymous - July 29, 2015

Colleagues, friends, and family gathered July 9, 2015, in the Santa Barbara Room of Riverside’s Mission Inn to celebrate with Charles Goodacre, DDS’71, MSD, his designation by Loma Linda University as Distinguished Professor at the School of Dentistry. The special merit rank is awarded to a full-time faculty member who has made distinguished contributions in teaching, research, publication, or creative work.

L-R: Joseph Kan, DDS, MS’96, professor, Advanced Education Program in Implant Dentistry; Dr. Goodacre; Nadim Baba, DMD, MSD, professor and director, Hugh Love Center for Research and Education in Technology; and Mathew Kattadiyil, BDS, MDS, MS, director, Advanced Specialty Education Program in Prosthodontics

In approving Dr. Goodacre’s appointment to distinguished professor in May (effective July1), the LLU Board of Trustees made official what was already fact.



Dr. Dailey and Dr. Goodacre share a laugh.

Dean Ronald Dailey led the happy occasion with warmth and wit as colleagues gave testimony to Dr. Goodacre’s effect on their professional lives interspersed with small, collegial servings of roast.





L-R: Robert Handysides, DDS’93, associate dean, Academic Affairs; Douglass Roberts, DDS’66, MS’77, emeritus professor, Restorative Dentistry; Paul Richardson, DDS’72, MED, associate dean, Clinic Administration; and Mrs. Minnie Handysides.

Dr. Goodacre is the first School of Dentistry faculty member to receive Loma Linda University’s distinguished professor appellation.





L-R: Dr. Goodacre; Mrs. Ruthy Goodacre; Brian Goodacre, DDS’13; and Sarah Goodacre, DDS’15