John W. Leyman, DDS, director, Koppel Special Care Dentistry Center, was presented during commencement 2019 with the School Distinguished Service Award During by Dean Robert Handysides, DDS’93, who described Dr. Leyman’s contribution to the School of Dentistry.

“Dr. John W. Leyman joined the faculty of Loma Linda University School of Dentistry in 1980, following his residency in anesthesiology at Loma Linda University Medical Center where he managed his time between administering operating room anesthesia and treating chronic pain conditions at the Pain Control Center. For more than three decades, Dr. Leyman has served the School of Dentistry with distinction as a faculty member and specialty trainer in the Advanced Education Program in Dental Anesthesiology. As of this graduation, over 120 graduates will have benefited from his focused guidance.
“Dr. Leyman directed the Department of Dental Anesthesia Residency Program from 1992 to 2005, at which time he assumed the role of director of the Loma Linda Surgery Center for Dentistry, now the Koppel Special Care Dentistry Center. The Koppel Center has provided care to well over 100,000 patients needing anesthesia for routine dental care.
“Recognized for his strong leadership and expertise, Dr. Leyman has served as treasurer, vice president, and president of the American Society of Dentist Anesthesiologists. He has served as a consultant to the American Dental Board of Anesthesiology, the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology, the California Dental Association, and the State of California. In 1996, he was a faculty inductee to Omicron Kappa Upsilon (OKU), Chi Chi Chapter. He has received fellowships in the American College of Dentists (1999) and the International College of Dentists (2006). In addition to professional recognitions, Dr. Leyman has been a speaker, program director, co-moderator, and consultant in numerous specialized education forums and symposia.
“Throughout his personal, professional, and spiritual journey, Dr. Leyman has been blessed by the love and support of his wife, Dr. Paula M. Leyman, DDS’86, and their children, John Jr. and Alissa.
“In recognition of his significant contributions to his field; and for promoting the values of excellence, diligence, and collaborative service, the School of Dentistry names Dr. John W. Leyman recipient of the School Distinguished Faculty Service Award.”