James Fedusenko
By Douglas Hackleman - March 31, 2016

James Fedusenko, president, class of 2016, and president, LLU American Student Dental Association, received the 2016 American Student Dental Association’s District 11 Delegate of the Year Award.


James Fedusenko

The District 11 trustee selects the recipient from among its six California chapter delegates. According to ASDA’s website, the award “recognizes the significant accomplishments and commitment of its delegates.”

Formed in 1970, the American Student Dental Association is “a national student-run organization that protects and advances the rights, interests and welfare of dental students” through eleven districts in 40 states across the country that promote dental student “involvement in organized dentistry and provides services, information, education, representation and advocacy.”

As a dental student leader, James recently thanked Ginger Price, DDS’83 in remarks delivered at the Price Family Radiology Clinic dedication and open house, February 24, 2016. “From a student’s perspective we are so grateful for your generous gift. The radiology clinic renovations simultaneously improve the care we are able to provide our patients and enhance the patients’ experience.”

When he graduates in May, James will remain at LLUSD to begin in July the Advanced General Dentistry Education Program in Dental anesthesiology.