By School of Dentistry - November 15, 2012
An artistic glass etching, based on a brass sculpture of the Good Samaritan, was unveiled Friday, November 9, 2012, where it now hangs on the east interior wall of the patient clinic waiting area of the School of Dentistry’s Prince Hall.

Dr. Newbold and Dean Goodacre view the unveiled etching.
The etching related to Jesus’ Luke 10 parable was made possible by a generous gift from Daniel D. Newbold, SD’82, PG’92, assistant professor, Department of Periodontics, and his wife, Melodee.

Dean Goodacre poses with Dr. and Mrs. Newbold and their contribution to the School of Dentistry’s patient waiting area.
Dr. and Mrs. Newbold were impressed with the glass frieze when in February this year they saw a copy of it unveiled at the Center for Dentistry and Orthodontics in San Bernardino. The couple confided in Dean Charles Goodacre their conviction that it should also be on display in a prominent place in the School of Dentistry.

The Good Samaritan brass sculpture from which this work in glass originated was created by Alan Collins and is prominently displayed between the School of Dentistry and the University Church. Collins, an English-born sculptor is noted for his work on the John F. Kennedy Memorial at Runnymede, England; Great Britain’s Guildford Cathedral; and for a recent work on campus representing Jesus as the healer of the woman who touched His robe.
The depiction of the Good Samaritan represents the philosophy of Loma Linda University “To make man whole” and the School of Dentistry’s motto, “Service is our calling.”