By Rachel Terwillegar - April 19, 2012
      By Rachel Terwillegar, CFRE, CSPG
A carved sandblast glass sculpture of the Good Samaritan, depicting what has become an iconic representation of Loma Linda University’s mission, was unveiled in the foyer of the Center for Dentistry and Orthodontics on February 10, 2012, during the School of Dentistry’s annual Alumni-Student Convention. The remarkable piece of art was the gift of Keith Corbett, SD’78, MS’81 (orthodontics), and his wife, Peggy, residents of the Canadian town of Quesnel, British Columbia.
From left: Patrick Naylor, DDS, MPH, MS, associate dean, Advanced Education, assists Dean Charles Goodacre, DDS, MSD, in unveiling the Good Samaritan Sandblast Sculpture.
In presenting the work, Dr. Corbett said, “Our gift of this piece of art is in thankfulness to our great and glorious God. It was He who gave us a great school and the wonderful people to run it. It was because of the education I received and the opportunities my education has given me that this is possible,” he added.
From left: Dean Charles Goodacre, SD’71, MSD, Ron Dailey, PhD, and Keith Corbett, SD’78 MS’81 
The sculpture is based on the original three-dimensional work by Alan Collins prominently displayed between the School of Dentistry and the Loma Linda University Church. Collins, an English born artist is noted for his work on the John F. Kennedy Memorial at Runnymede, England, his work at Great Britain’s Guildford Cathedral, and for a recent work on campus representing Jesus as the healer of the woman who touched His robe.
L-R: Dean Charles Goodacre and Dr. Keith Corbett
stand with the new sculpture.
The well-known story of “a man going down from Jerusalem to Jericho” who fell afoul of robbers is based on the story recounted in Luke 10:30—37. It has become a symbol and a reminder of the University’s motto “to make man whole.”
Dr. Corbett explained the gift by stating, “It was our goal, through this beautiful piece, to provide a gentle reminder of our mission so it would remain utmost in our thoughts as young people are educated at the School of Dentistry  and as we serve our community.”
Another angle
At first hesitant about the public recognition their gift would receive, Dr. Corbett and his wife were delighted to learn it has inspired others to do likewise.
Among those attending the unveiling were Daniel Newbold, SD’82, MS’92 (periodontics), and his wife, Melodee, who suggested that a similar sculpture should be located in a prominent place in the School of Dentistry’s Prince Hall.
Dr. Newbold and his wife are sponsoring a similar glass sandblast sculpture of the Good Samaritan that will be hung in Prince Hall’s main lobby. The sculpture will serve as a reminder to students, faculty, patients, and other visitors of the importance of compassionate service to mankind.