LLU School of Dentistry employees received 55 (or 34.6 percent) of the 159 awards distributed at Loma Linda University’s 2017 annual Employee Service Recognition Banquet held May 31 at the Drayson Center.

Among the LLU employees whose accumulated service fell on any of the most recent five-year increments, the School of Dentistry’s 55 awardees have accumulated 880 years employment among them—including 11 who have each been with the organization for 25 years. Three were awarded for 40 years of service: Deborah Catino, George Dobrota, and Mahmoud Torabinejad, DMD, MS, PhD.

The numbers represent an estimable retention rate and suggest that the School of Dentistry is a good place to work.

LLUH President Richard Hart, MD, DrPH, communicated his appreciation to the award recipients: “You are the heart of this institution more than the buildings, more than the business; it is you who make up the uniqueness of Loma Linda University Health.”

The following table breaks down the LLUSD employee service milestones in five-year increments.

Some LLUSD employees are pictured among the 2017 Employee Awards Ceremony photos here on flickr.