By Anonymous - July 1, 2010

The LLUSD Academic Excellence Gold Award is given to those fourth-year dental students who scored one standard deviation or more above the mean on both National Board examinations Part I and Part II. The Silver Award is reserved for those who exceeded the national mean by at least one standard deviation on either National Board Part I or Part II.

Ron Dailey (far left), executive associate dean, and Dean Charles Goodacre (far right) stand with Gold Award winners (L-R): Janelle Tonn, Justin Weaver, Bradley Field, Timothy Wieg, Lisa Gotari, Lauren Gutenberg, Chad Allen, Erin Stephens, and Emily Herndon.
Ron Dailey (far left), executive associate dean, and Dean Charles Goodacre (far right) stand with Silver Award winners (L-R): Ryan Waring, Iris Choi, Soh Yeun Kim, Hyun June Kim, Elbert Choi, and James Rho. Winners not pictured: Jonathan Garcia, Michael Gaudiz, Brent Hiebert, Young Lee, Yoo-Youn Yi.